Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Ok, I loooove Fabrique! Fabrics. Not only do they sell the heck out of my rulers but they have the best fabric in Dallas. I just got back from there and decided to do a giveaway of some of their fabric and an EZ Shirtmaker template. The fabric in the picture are 2 yards or just under 2 yards except the lace, which is approximately 1 1/4 yards. These fabrics are super nice and retail at Fabrique! for $10 a yard to $45.00 a yard. I do love me some gorgeous fabric!

“Like” SA Curve on Facebook and at the end of the month I will random generate a number and announce the winner on February 1st. Now, if you want to double your chances, you can send me a cat video too. :)
Happy Wednesday!

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